Drum/percussion sampler and sequencer plugin. Fast and easy for use...
Speedrum is a sample-based MPC style virtual drum machine
with dedicated step-sequencer.
Designed for easy startup and fast workflow, but with powerful features if you need them,
making it suitable for both beginners and advanced producers.
64 pads with essential effects, and with 16 sample layers per pad.
With the addition of a loop slicer.

Two layouts
16 pads layout A/B/C/D with view to all pad FX or 32 pads layout AB/CD with one FX view at a time
- Mpc style pads layout
- Pads can be triggered by MIDI notes
- Multi-pad editing, copy and swap, delete, drag and drop...
- Multi-pad controls changing, including FX controls
- Midi-learn for every pad, save/load trigger maps
Resizable GUI from 50% to 200% of default window size.
- Easy-to-use user interface
- Preferences for default behaviors
- Supported Saving and Loading of drum kits
- Import of various non-native drum kit formats
- WAV, AIF, FLAC, MP3, OGG file format support
- In VST, VST3, AU and AAX plugin format + Standalone App
- GUI Themes (custom user Skins)
- Written in native C++ code for high performance and low CPU usage
Main Pad controls
All essential controls for fast control: Mute, Solo, Volume, Pan, Pitch ...
- Knobs have midi-learn capability
- Voice Mode: Retrigger or Poly
- 8 "Cut" (choke) and "Cut By" groups, and Trigger pad
- Output Pad to internal buses or 16 available stereo outputs
- Coloring pads to highlight a particular pad or a group
- Humanization of Velocity, Pitch, Time and Pan
- Volume and Filter envelope for every pad
- Easily control of send FXs

Essential FX
Four essential effects for further tuning a drum-pad
- Multiple types of a distortion
- Easy adjustable multimode filter
- VCA type Compressor for percussive material
- Transient shaper
- Overall gain control and Hard clipper
- In an "all or one" layout

Sample Layers
16 sample layers for each pad with dedicated editor
- Every layer has essential controls plus Lowpass and Highpass filter
- Time and pitch stretching
- Multiple layers playing Mode
- Rearrange layers with drag and drop
- Layers multi-editing
- Layers Mixer
Non-destructive editor, easily zoomable
- Waveform view of loaded sample
- Adjustable Start and End of a sample
- MSEG Volume envelope editor
- Arrow buttons to cycle through all samples in the current folder
- Adjustable Velocity ranges in Velocity Mode

Pad Sequence View
Sequencer view of only selected pad
- Add or delete notes with easy
- Velocity, probability, repeats and offset note graph
- Modulate pan, pitch and filter cut with note graph
Different types of Humanization
- Shuffle (swing or syncopation)
- Humanization of note velocity and position
- Various randomizations

Pads Mixer
Mix all 64 pads in one place
- Wide and narrow view
- Essential controls
- Simple visual meters
- Synhronization with pads view
Buses Mixer
Mix Buses and Master
- Send Bus output to Master or Direct output
- Volume and Pan controls
- Simple visual meters

Loop Slicer
Slicing loops into individual drum hits
- Add or delete slicer markers with easy
- Drag and drop slices to populate pads or layers
- Different modes to pads or layers with one click
- Same zooming/navigation as on Layer editor
- Time stretching
Two slicing modes
Different algorithms for different results
- Transients - with Threshold and Length controls
- BPM - with Bpm and Divisions controls
- Selectable output channel
- Attack/decay for slices, transferred to layers

Pad Sends
Two Send FX or Output channel
- Delay Send FX
- Reverb Send FX
- Or send all pads outputs to specific Output channel
Buses / Master
FX for Buses / Master channel
- Multiple types of a distortion
- Easy adjustable multimode filter
- VCA type Compressor for percussive material
- Transient shaper
- Overall gain control and Hard clipper

Dedicated note sequencing
- 16 patterns wit 64 tracks
- Pattern 16/32/64 steps
- 16/32 view layouts
- Speed modifier
- Several types of humanization
- Drag and drop export to midi
- Record input midi
- Host or manual tempo
Integrated sample and drumkit browser
- With drag and drop sample loading
- Sample or Drumkit info
- Unlimited color favorite folders
- Sample preview capability
- Selectable output channel
- Auto load selected sample
- Direct slicing to pads/layers

The changelog is at docs site